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“Online HIVE Resource Library”

7th Grade Math

Brandon Johnson & Ed Oliva

Problem Identified: As we progressed through our Curriculum Map, we (unsurprisingly) noticed that several students had not yet earned “Meetings” for a diverse set of Learning Outcomes. We needed a way to re-teach specific Learning Outcomes to specific students. While Intensive groupings certainly aided our efforts to target instruction meaningfully, as the year went on, we thought our students would benefit from an even more targeted tool.

Hypothesis: If we create an online resource library, including videos of answers and explanations to released state test questions, student performance will increase as measured by mastery data.

Data Collection: We have received over 100 successfully completed Hive upgrades.

Actionable Step: You can create assessments linked to specific Learning Outcomes and post them to your class website. You can make videos (or link to videos) explaining how to do the relevant topics. Students can watch the videos to learn, and do the assessments (including during Intensive periods) to demonstrate mastery.

Overall Findings/Impact: An underlying principle of mastery based grading (as we understand it) is to create a classroom culture where time does not limit learning or achievement. An unbounded, student-directed HIVE upgrade process has made significant progress towards concretizing this principle for our students.

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