Classroom Management in Spanish
Ryan Daley

Problem Identified: When students enter Spanish class, they often take 3-5 minutes to calm down and focus. What are some ways that I can reduce the work I’m doing to keep the class managed?
Hypothesis: If I work to establish consistent activities that are clear and entry routines for 7th grade Spanish classes, then students will begin class within 1-2 minutes with a regular activity--most are slightly longer than a Do Now-- as measured by their completion in Google Forms and Flipgrid.
Data Collection: Data collection through Google Forms used to them move students into flexible groupings. I had students complete both Do Nows/Activities in Google Forms LINKED to Flipgrid. The Form material would then be more easily connected to the Flipgrid assignment.
Actionable Step: Because everyone is familiar with Flipgrid and Google Forms at this point, this is easily doable in a classroom setting. I prefer to integrate the link to a Google Form Activity into Flipgrid
Overall Findings/Impact: Keeping students productively working to understand content is a key to managing the flow of my classroom. I won’t say that I found this to be a permanent fix, but the classroom dynamic was easier to manage once I had this in place. Because students are expected to produce target language forms and structures, creating assignments that addressed this was and will be the goal going forward.