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UDL in 6th Grade Math

6th Grade Math

Priyanka Katumuluwa & Ben Ballot

Problem Identified: Over the 2016-2017 school year, we used Weebly to create Algebra blogs as the Unit 4 project. This project was challenging and time consuming as a whole due to managing the technological skills and needs of our learners as well as incorporating the comfort and mastery of learning outcomes.

Hypothesis: If students are provided with multiple means of action and expression for their Unit 4 Algebra projects, then their mastery of the content and level of comfort with conveying their knowledge will grow as measured by mastery data in the HIVE and teacher observations in class and during their project.

Plans for UDL Strategy Implementation: What changes did you make to your project/lesson/unit plans in order to incorporate more access to the curriculum or environment?

  1. Instead of providing only one project option for all students for Unit 4, we are providing four different final product options to students. Within these options, we are helping students identify which project may be a good fit for them. While we felt conflicted about this, feeling that it may overstep the UDL guidelines of allowing student choice, we ultimately decided that we just wanted to provide the information to students, and the final project decision is still up to them. Since this is the first time that we are implementing this type of choice in a project, we want to help them learn how to choose work that is appropriately challenging for them (similar to how they learn to choose a reading book on their level).

  2. Students will have a choice between creating screencasts, their own “lesson handouts”, foldables, or a blog.

  3. The “lesson handouts” project has the option to work with a “co-teacher” which allows an option for students who may benefit from working with a peer.

  4. We will be putting up resources such as example problems, error analysis work, etc. onto our Classroom site so that students can access them based on need.

**While not directly aligned to the unit project, we also used UDL structures to revamp our classroom to have more resources accessible to students. We introduced “Grab and Go” resources and “Ask Before” resources which are now labeled around the classroom. There is also a reference library we are building in the back of our classroom that has reference cards from posters from past units (images below).**

Actionable Step:

  • In order to use this strategy in your classroom, I recommend choosing an upcoming unit and discussing at least 3-5 project options with your department head. I would select a range of options that provide opportunities for students who feel more comfortable with technology, students who prefer to create their own visuals, students who benefit from more modeling, students who may master grade level content more quickly and can use more challenging work, students who may take more time to master grade level content, etc..

  • After choosing your project products, create a model of each that you can show your students as exemplars.

Overall Findings/Impact of a Planned UDL Strategy:

  • Overall, I do believe that our plans for the upcoming project will be successful. There was a lot of engagement and interest on the day of our kickoff around multiple project options. I think that there will be a heavy lift on the teachers this time to make sure that we have adequate models of each project option. Our first project day is next week, so we will spend time this week and weekend creating those models. I also believe that it will take us being very organized and thorough about creating resources folders that students can use/having screencasts to walk students through each project option so that we can make class time more purposeful and engaging.

  • I like that the options have built in opportunities for students to collaborate with a partner and use tech or hard copy resources. I also think it will be beneficial to have conversations with students about how to select a project that will provide them with an appropriate challenge, and be manageable and engaging for them.

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