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UDL in 7th Grade ELA

7th Grade ELA

Dave Bruder & Sam Fetters

We noticed that students were struggling to present the information they had learned in their writing.

We decided to explore different options for allowing students to demonstrate learning. If we present multiple means of expression for students to present an argument on a food related topic (presentation, comic, commercial) will student performance on learning outcomes improve as measured by mastery rubrics?

Unfortunately, the research portion of this project has gone on for longer than anticipated (in a good way). We have not yet implemented the different means of expression to students.

However, while considering UDL in our day-to-day lesson planning, we presented students with lots of different ways of absorbing information in their research. Students used articles, videos, and podcast to take in information. And we introduced students to ReWordify, and a text-to-speech app to help them comprehend what they’re learning.

Because students are looking at a wide-variety of sources for their research question, we changed our unit to reflect the various resources they will use and cite. Some students will be writing a traditional essay, some students will be putting a slides presentation together, some students will be shooting a short commercial/public service announcement. Students will be using their research and writing to inform their end-of-unit project, and reflect on the informational texts/videos/audio they have come across.

We feel our plan will be successful because students will have been exposed to a wide variety of non-fiction sources on which to base their projects. Students seem excited to take their writing and transform it into something tangible that other students can watch, see, or listen to.

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